Jacques Perconte
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  1 septembre 2023  
Salvadó-Romero, Alan & Carolina Martínez-López., Comparative Cinema vol X1.
Imaginaries of Collapsology in Experimental Film
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 Salvadó-Romero, Alan & Carolina Martínez-López. 2023. “Imaginaries of Collapsology in Experimental Film.” Comparative Cinema, Vol. XI, No. 20, pp. 113-137. DOI: 10.31009/cc.2023.v11.i20.07

One of the manifestations of collapsology in contemporary visual culture can be found in the apocalyptic visions of mainstream media, based on spectacle of nature. However, it is also possible to find alternative visions that reveal the complexity of the relationships that human beings establish with the planet, perspectives that could help reverse the effects of collapsology, as defined by Pablo Servigne and Raphaël Stevens. The aim of this article is to analyze a number of experimental films that effectively represent environmentalist discourses and forms, thereby offering alternatives to the catastrophist imaginaries characteristic of certain mainstream productions and omnipresent in the media. Beyond the filming of nature, these films adopt a phenomenological and kinesthetic perspective in order to explore different possibilities of cinematographic language and technology.


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